OIDC for AWS ECR private image pulls
When a project is configured to use OIDC, it should be possible to use these credentials to pull a private images from ECR [1] when starting up the executor.
Projects with OIDC enabled [2] currently still require static AWS keys for ECR image pulls.
Oran Wilder
OIDC for AWS ECR is ready for use! Follow the instructions here to implement: https://circleci.com/docs/pull-an-image-from-aws-ecr-with-oidc/
Oran Wilder
in progress
OIDC for ECR is coming soon. A preview of this feature is being prepared for the end of May.
Owen Haynes
Oran Wilder: would this also include other providers such as GCP antifactory?
Oran Wilder
Owen Haynes: This work is specific to AWS. If you want o connect to GCP, try the instructions here: https://circleci.com/docs/openid-connect-tokens/#setting-up-gcp
Owen Haynes
Oran Wilder: yeah we use that for terraform but unable to pull images using oidc. I would of thought you would of done this in tandem https://ideas.circleci.com/cloud-feature-requests/p/openid-connect-docker-login
Robert Hopson
Very interested in this!
Pablo Serrano
Any ETA about this?
Nathan Fish
Owen Haynes