Ability to toggle Secret Masking on a organization and project level
Dan Lo Bianco
We need this optionality right down to the individual secret level, as some variables are not secret and can create confusing masking in the logs (e.g. USER=testing -> masking of "testing" throughout the logs)
Jānis Bebrītis
This functionality has introduced quite a bit of a confusion. Working in company that has new repositories created almost on a daily basis, this has been a hassle requesting to disable it for each and every new repository.
If there was a way for org to disable it by default for all new repositories and have a toggle to turn it on or off them individually would be awesome.
Daniel Cazan
I would absolutely appreciate more granularity - it is currently masking out stack names (which are not secrets, especially for internal logs), so it appears to be very aggressive. Localized fine-tuning seems a bit of a must
Pascal Bättig
Wholeheartedly agree, not every environment variable I use is actually a secret
Trevor Morris
See also: https://ideas.circleci.com/ideas/CCI-I-1223 .
(Having the ability to mark some secrets as not-really-secret, but just configuration)
David Corbacho
Florian Loretan
This would actually make sense for specific steps, so it could be great to make it an option at the step/job level in the CircleCI configuration file.